Welcome to CCGI!
About us
Gymnastics builds strong, healthy children and is appropriate for children of all ages! CCGI has a competitive gymnastics team program, but many of our students happily do recreational gymnastics for several years. We also offer Cheer!
CCGI offers classes for children of all ages! Children as young as 18 months of age can learn how to interact with other children while having a fun place to develop their gross motor skills. As your child grows, our gymnastics program grows with them. We help teach life skills and values such as: goal setting, achievement, hard work, and determination.
We also have our Licensed Day Care facility- The Learning Center! Our Preschool Program is filled with exploration, discovery, and learning. It is a fun place where active and enthusiastic children can refine and expand their skills and knowledge. Facility #: 543801167
upcoming nEWS!

Spring Break Camp!!
Enroll today!!

Call today if your child is interested in our Gymnastics Team Program!
Monthly Tuition Prices
​Tuition Fees are based on 4 weeks of Class

Form of Payment
Cash, Card or Mobile Pay Only.
Payments can be made through the Parent Portal, Over the Phone, or In Person.
40-minute Class - $85.00 / month
1 class per Week
Fun w/ a Friend (Parent Participation class)
Age: 18 months - 3 years ​
Tiny Tots
Age: 3 years​
55-minute Class - $95.00 / month
1 class per Week
Gym Mini & Boys Gym Mini
Age: 4-5 years​
Super Kids (invite only)
Age: 4-5 years *advanced placement*​
All Novice - Girls novice, Boys Novice, Accelerated Novice, Acc. Boys
Age: 6 & up​
Tumbling - Beginning, Intermediate & Advanced
Age: 6 & up​​
1 hr. 25-minute Class - $115.00 / month​
1 class per Week
Super Stars (invite only)
Age: 5 & up *advanced placement*​
Bronze (invite only)
Age: 6 & up *advanced placement*​
Silver (invite only)
Age: 6 & up *advanced placement*​​
1 hr. 55-minute Class - $135.00 / month​
1 class per Week​
Silver/Gold (invite only)
Age: 6 & up *advanced placement*​
2nd Child - 10% off
3rd Child - 10% off
Same student / 2nd Class - 10% off
Annual Registration Fee​​
$45 - 1st Child
$45 - 2nd Child
$0 - 3rd Child & more
Make-Up Policy
​Make Up Token Policy
1 make-up token per month
30-day Expiration Date from date of absence
Allowed ONE WEEK after a DROP from class date to use a make- up token
Once your child has missed their class, a make-up token will be created. You can schedule your make-up class online through the Parent Portal or you may call the Front Desk for assistance.

Visitor Policies